Search found 34 matches

by fxt
24 Jan 2022 10:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Feature Request: Free Curser Edit
Replies: 0
Views: 15705

Feature Request: Free Curser Edit

Pretty big please: Can we have a "Free Curser Edit" in Radium? Free Curser Edit basically means that the Play/Edit position is not fixed to the middle of the screen and instead of the whole table moving around the edit position, the curser is moving around and the table stays fixed, just l...
by fxt
23 Mar 2021 20:11
Forum: News
Topic: Radium 6.9.64 released
Replies: 9
Views: 29949

Re: Radium 6.9.64 released

nice, getting jack to run on macos has been a bit of a hassle
by fxt
09 Mar 2021 21:31
Forum: News
Topic: Radum 6.8.71 released
Replies: 1
Views: 8846

Re: Radum 6.8.71 released

woohoo :D
by fxt
06 Feb 2021 22:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: bug: Instrument tab not working great on macOS
Replies: 5
Views: 8608

Re: bug: Instrument tab not working great on macOS

hello, the found out that the bug only applies when using the trackpad on my macbook, using a mouse works perfectly. I'm talking about the modular mixing area where one is patching instruments, and doing audio routing :) and just to specify, I don't man the snapping, but the scrollbar is jumping aro...
by fxt
31 Dec 2020 11:19
Forum: News
Topic: Radium 6.7.68 released
Replies: 2
Views: 9996

Re: Radium 6.7.68 released

nice! great improvements on macOS, the flickering in the piano roll is gone when moving around and clicking in notes.
by fxt
23 Dec 2020 16:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: bug: Instrument tab not working great on macOS
Replies: 5
Views: 8608

Re: bug: Instrument tab not working great on macOS

i mean the modular patch tab where you connect instruments, fx and do audio routing. I'll do a video as soon as I find some time.
by fxt
23 Dec 2020 16:10
Forum: News
Topic: Radium 6.6.77 released
Replies: 1
Views: 9221

Re: Radium 6.6.77 released

thank you! exciting to hear that preliminary work on implementing vulkan is starting.
by fxt
13 Dec 2020 01:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: bug: Instrument tab not working great on macOS
Replies: 5
Views: 8608

bug: Instrument tab not working great on macOS

Radium is working quit good now on macOS, the only thing that seems buggy is navigating and dragging instruments in the modular patch window around. Sometims navigating the space with the navigation bar doesn't work and sometimes dragging instances around does not work.
by fxt
19 Nov 2020 00:13
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Reverse Sample Command?
Replies: 2
Views: 4784

Re: Reverse Sample Command?

thanks that works! would be nice if the reversed waveform was shown as well.
by fxt
19 Nov 2020 00:10
Forum: News
Topic: Raduim 6.5.76 released
Replies: 9
Views: 26533

Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

found a bug: Radium crashes on macOS Catalina when clicking the "full" button. Is it the "full" button in the sequencer, or the "full" button in the instrument widget? Does it happen every time? Does the crashreporter window show up? Do you know which version it starte...