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by kjetil
05 Nov 2023 12:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: I find this bizarre
Replies: 2
Views: 16757

Re: I find this bizarre

Are you talking about the suggestion to subscribe to the newsletter for trying out the demo? I think that's quite common, and not an unreasonable request. You are not getting spammed a lot (maybe two emails per year), and it's easy to unsubsribe. And also, you don't actually have to subscibe to down...
by kjetil
28 Sep 2023 14:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Prevent instrument from continue play into next block?
Replies: 4
Views: 18316

Re: Prevent instrument from continue play into next block?

unl wrote: 28 Sep 2023 12:49 Adding a stop note at the beginning of the next block had no effect and the note from previous block continues to play, which is why i was confused. thank you for the keybind script.
That's really not supposed to happen. Are you sure the notes were placed on the same track number?
by kjetil
28 Sep 2023 09:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Prevent instrument from continue play into next block?
Replies: 4
Views: 18316

Re: Prevent instrument from continue play into next block?

Hi, sorry for late reply. I don't think it's common in trackers for notes to end playing at the end of the block, and I don't think I've gotten this request before. Normally you either add a "stop"-note, or a normal note, at the beginning of the next playing block. Here is a solution thoug...
by kjetil
20 Aug 2023 07:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Replies: 7
Views: 32353

Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?

I think there is currently a little bit of a problem with it though, which I must fix soon, where you might crash the program if recording too many notes due to memory exhaustion. If you record many many thousand notes, it might crash now, not sure. This comment was based on a crash report I got re...
by kjetil
20 Aug 2023 06:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Replies: 7
Views: 32353

Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?

Another thing when it comes to MIDI recording is that you should use Jack for audio, to get accurate timing. If not, you should use as low audio buffer size as possible (under edit -> soundcard preferences). The reason is that Jack has an API for getting accurate timing and I haven't created a repla...
by kjetil
19 Aug 2023 07:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Replies: 7
Views: 32353

Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?

I did manage to record, but it's not clear what are the actual rules for recording: ot sometimes it seems to allow multiple notes per line, other times it replaces them. Just make sure you record to a clean track I guess. The midi note off message does not seem to be recorded accurately (as played)...
by kjetil
19 Aug 2023 07:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Replies: 7
Views: 32353

Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. The editor should record MIDI exactly what you play, polyphonic, velocity, note off, just like a MIDI sequencer. If it doesn't do that, it would be great if you could give a recipe what you do. Regarding polyphony, make sure the "Automatically split recorded tr...
by kjetil
18 Aug 2023 11:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Replies: 7
Views: 32353

Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?

Yes, there is a little red "R" button in the bottom left corner of the editor you have to enable. I think there is currently a little bit of a problem with it though, which I must fix soon, where you might crash the program if recording too many notes due to memory exhaustion. If you recor...
by kjetil
27 Jul 2023 16:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Laptop+distro
Replies: 7
Views: 14131

Re: Laptop+distro

Most laptops should be fine I think. I don't think I would use an arm-based macbook though, if using Linux. I don't know of anyone that has used Radium on an arm-based computer, except through rosetta. So no, pinebook might not work very well, since it's arm-based. Thinkpad should be good. Regarding...
by kjetil
22 Jul 2023 12:17
Forum: News
Topic: Radium 7.1.90 released
Replies: 1
Views: 14511

Re: Radium 7.1.90 released

Most important change in 7.1.92 is a new implementation to reverse notes. The old one wasn't very good. Besides that there's a few bug fixes and minor improvements. Changes 7.1.90 -> 7.1.92: Editor: Include the main editor-popup-menu into the bottom of the track-header popup menu. Edit: Button to &q...