Any video tutorials for Radium?

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Any video tutorials for Radium?

Post by wpostma »

Are there video tutorials that go through making sounds and songs from scratch with Radium?

I have used trackers many many years ago (let's say in the 1990s).

Also the plugin features are not working. All attempts to load 64 bit vst3 plugins are failing with errors like this:
Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 7.22.38 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 7.22.38 PM.png (245.84 KiB) Viewed 5564 times
The error suggests rescanning plugins but the same error occurs on everything when you rescan plugins.
So there appears to be a general bug with plugins. Also the cancel button seems to do nothing, at least in the case of scanning plugins. It may be cancelling retry on one plugin, but it's absolutely impossible to abort the plugin scan operation, as far as I can see. Once you start one, you're clicking cancel or another button, a million times.

This is demo version radium_64bit_windows-7.1.86-demo

Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 7.31.43 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 7.31.43 PM.png (163.27 KiB) Viewed 5561 times
^ the error dialog that comes up 1000 times and won't stop popping up, because I probably have 1000 vst3 plugins. I really don't think this dialog or this scan process is working well. It really probably should be an asyncronous scan like the one that Ardour and Audacity do.

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Re: Any video tutorials for Radium?

Post by kjetil »

There are links to a couple of user videos on the home page. They're not tutorials though.

I don't know what's happening to your VST3 plugins, and I don't have a windows computer in front of me right now. I've made a ticket for it though:

Can you load any VST3 plugin at all, or is it just some VST3 plugins you can't load?
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