Was intrigued by the app, but I hit a wall, as I'm not a tracker user, but the more standard DAWs.
When I play the section, and want to record the midi, the notes are saved one after the oder in each row, not by the actual timing of the key press. Is there a setting I have to change?
[Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Yes, there is a little red "R" button in the bottom left corner of the editor you have to enable. I think there is currently a little bit of a problem with it though, which I must fix soon, where you might crash the program if recording too many notes due to memory exhaustion. If you record many many thousand notes, it might crash now, not sure.
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
I think I tried that but I remember it did't work as intended. Will try again tonight, if you say this is the only way to record midi as played.
With R active, each midi note recorded will create a new track / subtrack of it's own?
With R active, each midi note recorded will create a new track / subtrack of it's own?
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
I did manage to record, but it's not clear what are the actual rules for recording: ot sometimes it seems to allow multiple notes per line, other times it replaces them. The midi note off message does not seem to be recorded accurately (as played). And another thing, although the recorded notes over the existing while drawn in the interface, they are not read (do
not trigger the instrument) unless you stop and restart the section.
I hope I'm mistaken and that I'm doing smth wrong, but the midi recording into the app seems hit and miss. It seems one shoud rather input the note events algorthmically (from the computer keyboard) rather than via midi.
not trigger the instrument) unless you stop and restart the section.
I hope I'm mistaken and that I'm doing smth wrong, but the midi recording into the app seems hit and miss. It seems one shoud rather input the note events algorthmically (from the computer keyboard) rather than via midi.
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
I'm not quite sure what you mean. The editor should record MIDI exactly what you play, polyphonic, velocity, note off, just like a MIDI sequencer. If it doesn't do that, it would be great if you could give a recipe what you do.
Regarding polyphony, make sure the "Automatically split recorded tracks.." option under preferences->MIDI isn't enabled.
Regarding polyphony, make sure the "Automatically split recorded tracks.." option under preferences->MIDI isn't enabled.
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Just make sure you record to a clean track I guess.
What exactly happens?The midi note off message does not seem to be recorded accurately (as played).
That's correct.And another thing, although the recorded notes over the existing while drawn in the interface, they are not read (do
not trigger the instrument) unless you stop and restart the section.
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
Another thing when it comes to MIDI recording is that you should use Jack for audio, to get accurate timing. If not, you should use as low audio buffer size as possible (under edit -> soundcard preferences). The reason is that Jack has an API for getting accurate timing and I haven't created a replacement for it yet when not using Jack, so it's just using the soundcard buffer for timing right now.
Re: [Noob question] How to record midi notes?
This comment was based on a crash report I got related to MIDI input, but I've looked more closely at it now it's not related to "R" recording, and my suspicion that recording many thousand notes would lead to crash is wrong, so don't worry about that.