Raduim 6.5.76 released

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Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

Radium 6.5.76 has been released. This release contains some bug features, some minor improvements, and some new features.

One notable new feature this time is the new pitch shift slider in the instrument widget. You can now easily shift pitch any sound object just by enabling this slider:
radium_pitch1_6_5_76.png (14.81 KiB) Viewed 26527 times
radium_pitch2_5_9_76.png (13.61 KiB) Viewed 26527 times
The pitch effect can also be automated

Another feature is the ability to import several soundfiles into the sequencer, where each soundfile is imported into it's own seqtrack:
radium_import1_6_5_76.png (23.57 KiB) Viewed 26527 times
radium_import2_6_5_76.png (70.76 KiB) Viewed 26527 times
radium_import3_6_5_76.png (183 KiB) Viewed 26527 times

And finally, you can now assign keybinding to all entries in the "Insert sound object" popup menu:
radium_keybindings_6_5_76.png (29.68 KiB) Viewed 26527 times

The two most important bug fixes this time are for exporting multiple files in the soundfile exporter, and a fix for corrupted file names when creating a sound object from a preset file. Both those bugs were introduced in 6.5.72.

Changes 6.5.74 -> 6.5.76:
  • Presets: Fix memory corruption in preset filename
    (i.e. .rec/.mrec files). Preset filename is shown
    in GUI and saved to disk, so this bug could cause
    corrupted .rad files. Bug probably introduced in
  • Sequencer: Paint a thin blue line around
  • Sequencer: Change "Insert audio file" to
    "Insert audio file(s)". If selecting several audio
    files when using this function, the program will
    put all selected files into their own newly
    created audio seqtracks.
  • Sequencer: Fix rare (probably) crash when undoing
    full sequencer state and topmost seqtrack was not
    the first seqtrack.
  • Sequencer: Fix wall-of-text error messages popping
    up in the message window when scrolling in the
    "Sounds" tab on the right side of the sequencer.
  • Sequencer: Disable the "Insert current audiofile"
    popup menu entry if there are no used audiofiles
    in the program.
  • Soundfile saver: Don't create soundfiles for
    instruments that has no outputs, buses, pipes,
    and Click instruments if the metronome is turned off.
  • Soundfile saver: Fix saving multiple files, one
    for each instrument. Bug probably introduced in
  • Scheduler: Fix rare assertion message popping up.
    Probably caused by a rounding error.
  • Instrument widget: Add pitch shift slider. Options
    to apply pitch to:
    • No channels
    • Only even-numbered channels
    • Only odd-numbered channels
    • All channels
    • All channels, but invert the pitch ratio of
      odd-numbered channels.
  • Audio: Double the time it takes to fade in/out
    system effects.
  • Mixer: Make it possible to assign keybindings to
    all entries in the "Insert sound object" popup
  • API:
    • New: setNativeInstrumentEffect
    • Add optional argument "several_files" to
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by fxt »

That was quick. Thanks for the Pitch feature :)
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

Radium 6.5.77 released. Radium 6.5.77 is able to load instrument state from mixer A/B settings saved before Radum V6.5.76.

Changes 6.5.76 -> 6.5.77:
  • Mixer: When changing A/B, apply instrument state
    even when number of effects are different.
  • Sampler instrument: Optimize applying AHDSR
    envelope. Might make a notable difference in CPU
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

Radium 6.5.78 released.

Changes 6.5.77 -> 6.5.78:
  • Audio: Show warning if loading an old song that
    indexes modulator effects by number instead of by
    name since wrong effects are most likley
    modulated. Also inform that the workaround is to
    load and save the song in Radium V5.9.44.
  • Demo songs: Fix wrong effects being modulated in
    "Concrete Vox" and "Elf".
  • Mixer: Fix updating instrument sliders after
    changing A/B. (The effects themselves were
    changed, but not the sliders.)
  • Mixer: Index A/B instrument effects on disk by
    effect name and not by effect number. This
    prevents A/B settings from being incompatible
    again in future versions of the program.
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by fxt »

found a bug: Radium crashes on macOS Catalina when clicking the "full" button.
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

fxt wrote: 17 Nov 2020 22:52 found a bug: Radium crashes on macOS Catalina when clicking the "full" button.
Is it the "full" button in the sequencer, or the "full" button in the instrument widget? Does it happen every time? Does the crashreporter window show up?

Do you know which version it started crashing? Because of a virus lockdown, I haven't tested the macos version since V6.4. I've just compiled the program by logging into a computer remotely.

In general, macos can crash when you resize the editor, which I guess can happen if you press the full button. It's apple's opengl library that's crashing, not radium itself. I've done lots of stuff to lower the chance of this happening, but it still happens sometime, and I have no idea if it's possible to prevent it completely.
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by fxt »

kjetil wrote: 18 Nov 2020 07:16
fxt wrote: 17 Nov 2020 22:52 found a bug: Radium crashes on macOS Catalina when clicking the "full" button.
Is it the "full" button in the sequencer, or the "full" button in the instrument widget? Does it happen every time? Does the crashreporter window show up?

Do you know which version it started crashing? Because of a virus lockdown, I haven't tested the macos version since V6.4. I've just compiled the program by logging into a computer remotely.

In general, macos can crash when you resize the editor, which I guess can happen if you press the full button. It's apple's opengl library that's crashing, not radium itself. I've done lots of stuff to lower the chance of this happening, but it still happens sometime, and I have no idea if it's possible to prevent it completely.
I'm on macOS 10.15.6 using Radium 6.5.78

I just tried again and couldn't reproduce the error, but it was when clicking the full button on the instrument wiget and happene 3 times in a row yesterday (bit wierd how it's not happening now, but not complaining).
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

I can reproduce the crash. It happens when sequencer is placed in the mixer while the instrument widget is not.
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

(Should be new release tomorrow. There's trouble with the electricity today.)
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Re: Raduim 6.5.76 released

Post by kjetil »

Radium 6.5.79 released. Emergency release to fix crash when pressing "Full" button in the instrument widget while the sequencer is inside the mixer.

Changes 6.5.78 -> 6.5.79:
  • GUI: Fix crash when pressing the "Full" button in
    the instrument widget while the sequencer is
    inside the mixer.
  • Instruments widget: Adjust width of the filter area
    and the output area.
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