Please include ideas about the user interface when suggesting new features

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Please include ideas about the user interface when suggesting new features

Post by kjetil »

It's great when people suggest new features in the In the issue tracker:

But now and then features are not implemented because it takes so much time to figure out how to create the user interface, or even find the default keybinding for it. Figuring out the user interface very often takes more time than actually implementing it.

So please, if you have an idea for a feature, don't hesitate to share your ideas about the interface, or which key binding that would make sense (and if that key binding is already taken, how would you have changed things?). And don't be afraid to be extremely detailed. :)
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Re: Please include ideas about the user interface when suggesting new features

Post by kjetil »

For instance, lets say you want a sequencer block to either:

1. Last shorter if decreasing the size of the sequencer block
2. Automatically loop when increasing the size of the sequencer block.

Then a suggestion like this would be very helpful:

"When the mouse cursor is in the left or right part of a sequencer block, the mouse cursor changes shape into "change width". When I press left mouse button while the mouse cursor has this shape, and drag the mouse left or right, the size of the sequencer block changes while dragging."

This was an easy one, because this operation doesn't crash with anything else. But what if you want to select range using the mouse in the editor? How would you do that? Just pressing left mouse button and select a rectangle will seldom work since left mouse button is used for a lot of things already.
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Edit Countdown

Post by fentras »

kjetil wrote: 22 Dec 2019 15:40Perhaps you have a more detailed idea about how this should work? For instance about the interface, and for instance how to select how many beats to count down and other things like that?
Of course!


I think it's better to put countdown feature only on Click button or just make another to the right and name it C/CD or just the full Countdown word. It should open another pop-up menu with this layout:

  • Input
  • 1/4
  • 2/4
  • 3/4
  • 4/4
  • Custom
Basically Radium just adds another bar (with length selected by user) before playing and editing. Let's assume Edit is enabled. Let's see how every option acts.


Input — Song starts playing after receiving input from MIDI-controller, direct input from Local Keyboard or changing the automation (if set to recording).
1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 — Basically adds zero bar before the main track (not in sequencer, just the tracker) with chosen option. So if we choose 2/4 while having 4/4 time signature it will sound like ("|" symbol marks the beginning of the actual track) 0 2 | 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 . . .
Custom — User can type any possible time signature (in a separate pop-up or in-line window) or select how many lines should be counted before playing.


I think there a two ways of doing this.


Add a bar with selected time signature before the actual track, disable editing on it and darken it out to visualise enabled countdown. When playing — it should just go through the countdown (with metronome if Click is enabled) and when play normally.

Here's the example with 2/4 option enabled.
Radium Countdown Bar.png
Radium Countdown Bar.png (40.03 KiB) Viewed 14085 times

Edit button blinks between on and off state (without the check mark) to the BPM and after defined time the track starts playing. Or Edit button can be different color when playing countdown.

Here's the example of different color.
Edit Countdown.png
Edit Countdown.png (8.01 KiB) Viewed 14085 times
I hope I described everything for this neat feature! Thank you.
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Re: Please include ideas about the user interface when suggesting new features

Post by kjetil »

Thanks! Shouldn't be too hard, except showing an extra bar before block start in the editor so I'll probably skip that.
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Re: Please include ideas about the user interface when suggesting new features

Post by dtcrnk »

hello kjetil!!
hope you go fine i want to ask you(i see this in beta mode) if it will possible when saving an independent block it will be to embedded the settings of the effect,the effects,and the sample inside this block.
i don't really know if it 's hard to do ;) !!!!
by the way for the moment it just loaded the note of the block

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Re: Please include ideas about the user interface when suggesting new features

Post by kjetil »

Sorry, I didn't see your message. I've added a ticket to the bug tracker:
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