Radium 5.2.1 released
Posted: 21 Oct 2017 15:26
Some bug fixes, embedded jack on windows, options to disable/enable individual editor tracks in sequencer blocks, and functions to randomly change note positions and durations in the Edit tab.
Changes 5.1.9 -> 5.2.1:
Changes 5.1.9 -> 5.2.1:
- Windows: Not necessary anymore to install jack to run Radium. Radium now includes an embedded version of Jack which is used if Jack is not installed globally.
- Mixer: Fix the "W" button. Broken in 5.1.8.
- Current mixer strip: Don't show error message when changing width.
- Playlist: Don't show "Pause player" message briefly when changing block or playlist position.
- Editor: Popup menu to switch between showing line numbers and bars/beats.
- Edit: Add "Randomize note positions and durations" functions to the Randomize/Skew/Shuffle tab.
- Editor: Replace "Help Swing text" with "Swing Help" in the popup menus
- Sequencer: Option to disable/enable individual editor tracks in sequencer blocks.
- API: gui_popup