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Recording workflow / quantize question

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 21:27
by MusikMan74
I am used to recording to a 4 beat count-in. To achieve this is Radium (v5.4.7), I set the cursor to measure 4 beat 1 and press right SHIFT and SPACEBAR (with Click ON to hear the metronome):
rec-setup.png (49.67 KiB) Viewed 11078 times
After hearing 4 clicks, I begin playing on my midi controller.
After recording 4 bars of midi input, I press the SPACEBAR to stop recording.

Sometimes, I start recording slightly 'early' and notes appear at the bottom of the block:
early_note.png (62.68 KiB) Viewed 11078 times

After quantizing, the 'early' notes disappear and are neither placed at the start nor the end of the block.
note_missing.png (174.59 KiB) Viewed 11078 times
For quantize settings, note length is unchanged and quantize value is 1/1 (which should be nearest line as I understand, in this case 1/16th note).

What am I doing wrong?
Can someone please explain what is happening here?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Recording workflow / quantize question

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 22:31
by kjetil

I guess what happens is that the note recorded at the very end of the block was quantitized to start at bar 5, which doesn't exist, and therefore deleted. When playing block, it seems logical that the program should have moved that note to bar 0 instead. I'm going to add a ticket to the issue tracker about this.

Re: Recording workflow / quantize question

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 22:38
by kjetil
I guess a "modulo" option in the quantitizer GUI would be the best solution. (Added ticket:

Re: Recording workflow / quantize question

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 13:22
by MusikMan74
Thanks! Looking forward to a future version of Radium with this feature implemented :)

Re: Recording workflow / quantize question

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 14:15
by kjetil
Here's another way:

1. Move cursor to bar 1/1: Home key
2. Insert 16 lines (4 beats): Shift + Return -> 16
3. Move cursor to bar 1/1: Home key
4. Record MIDI
5. Quantize
6. Move cursor to bar 1/1: Home key
7. Delete 16 lines (4 beats): Shift + Return -> -16

Could this be a better solution? Modulo-quantization feels a bit hacky.

Re: Recording workflow / quantize question

Posted: 25 Jan 2018 11:40
by MusikMan74
kjetil wrote: 23 Jan 2018 14:15 Here's another way:

1. Move cursor to bar 1/1: Home key
2. Insert 16 lines (4 beats): Shift + Return -> 16
3. Move cursor to bar 1/1: Home key
4. Record MIDI
5. Quantize
6. Move cursor to bar 1/1: Home key
7. Delete 16 lines (4 beats): Shift + Return -> -16

Could this be a better solution? Modulo-quantization feels a bit hacky.

I'll give this workflow a spin- Thanks.