probably a bug

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probably a bug

Post by badloosee »

Trying to remap the play shortcuts, specifically the "play block from top" by rightclicking it from the top play-menu and choosing remap, the remapdialog states that that the new mapping is in effect, however it is not and the old mapping still works and the hints under the play-menu still show old mapping.

Is it possible to change this mapping by going into help>edit keybinings?
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Re: probably a bug

Post by kjetil »

Hi, sorry for answering late. I didn't get an email from the web server that there was a new post (happens a lot).

I can't reproduce this unfortuanately. I opened the menu, right-clicked the "Block from top - Play" entry and pressed "Y". Afterward when I press the "Y" key, the block is played from the top.

Yes, please go to Help -> Edit keybindings, and post here what it says. You should be able to edit the keybindings there if right-clicking for some reason fails. My "Y" binding looks like this:

Code: Select all

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