Currently (at least on Linux, correct me if I'm wrong) you're expected to pan around the mixer by zooming in/out with CTRL+Scroll wheel and dragging the resulting sliders on side/bottom of the mixer.
Would help usability a lot I think if radium adapted some of other plugin hosts controls (like Carla's) where e.g:
CTRL + Scroll Wheel still zooms in/out
CTRL + Shift + Scroll Wheel, controls vertical slider (current UI behaviour)
CTRL + Alt + Scroll Wheel, controls horizontal slider (new)
Middle mouse button hold + drag, Pans mixer view around (currently it does same as left click)
MMB disconnects modules, but Left mouse button + shift does the same, so if MMB caused conflicts because of that bind it's safe to remove it.
Modular Mixer mouse controls
Re: Modular Mixer mouse controls
That would be inconvenient.Currently (at least on Linux, correct me if I'm wrong) you're expected to pan around the mixer by zooming in/out with CTRL+Scroll wheel and dragging the resulting sliders on side/bottom of the mixer.
To scroll horizontally, press left meta/windows key. This is documented in the manual. The meta/windows key is used to lock mouse movement in the horizontal direction as well, so it's natural to use that key.
To scroll vertically, press left shift. (In widgets where the scroll wheel isn't used for anything, you don't need to press left shift)
Middle mouse button hold + drag sounds like a good idea.
Re: Modular Mixer mouse controls
Thanks, I read the manual after this post and it does work as written.
I've expected my window manager/application launcher to hijack windows/meta key but radium is taking priority over the key it seems. (which is good)
Are these scrolling/slider controls set internally? Haven't seen them defined in default keybindings.conf.
One point in the mixer documentation that could be expanded:
A much easier way is to grab the space on left/right sides of a module to connect them together. (purple line)Move and connect object in one operation: Place one object on top of another object.
Dragging from box also connects midi which isn't documented (yellow line)

Re: Modular Mixer mouse controls
Not sure how your system is setup, but Radium shouldn't take priority over window manager keys, at least. It just reads keyboard events from libxcb. It doesn't take over keyboard events for fvwm, for instance. It's possible to take over fvwm keys, but I think it's irritating when programs do that.
Yes, they are set internally. keybindings.conf is only for binding keys to commands.Are these scrolling/slider controls set internally? Haven't seen them defined in default keybindings.conf.
Yes, if you only want to connect two object, it's quicker to just create a new connection. But if you want to put an object in between two, or more, objects, like you do in the example, it's probably easier to place the object on top of another object than two delete and create a lot of connections manually.One point in the mixer documentation that could be expanded:A much easier way is to grab the space on left/right sides of a module to connect them together. (purple line)Move and connect object in one operation: Place one object on top of another object.
Dragging from box also connects midi which isn't documented (yellow line)
Re: Modular Mixer mouse controls
Event-connections are documented in the status bar though, if you move the mouse pointer above the object name. But the documentation for the mixer is going to be improved later.