Changes 5.4.2 -> 5.4.4:
- Editor: Fix memory corruption if giving space as note name when adding note.
- Editor: Fix chancetext with value 0.
- Instruments: Fix chance being set to 256 when changing a/b.
- Menus: Make "Open plugin manager window" create instrument.
- Keyboard configuration: Fix code inside asterisks.
- Keyboard configuration: Don't run generated python code from last session during startup.
- Edit: Add "Randomly delete notes" function to the Randomize / Skew / Shuffle tab.
- Sequencer: Just show one simultaneous enable/disable editor tracks window, and update content automatically when mouse hovers over a sequencer block.
- Mixer: Include mixer strips configuration into a/b.
- Mixer strips: Reduce time changing mixer strips configuration.
- System: Suppress Mesa startup warning for amdgpu driver during startup. (Teteros)
- Sequencer: Sequencer block fade in/out.
- Sequencer: Sequencer block volume envelope.
- Sequencer: Various seqblock mouse/gfx improvements.
- Sequencer: Fix selecting correct current automation line below mouse pointer in the sequencer when a line is non-gliding.
- Edit: Fix modulo skew range down.
- Audio: Don't pause player when undoing effect automation.
- Sequencer: Show thicker linkes for the current automation and scale automation lines based on system font height.
- API:
- Renamed undoSequencerAutomation to undoSequencerAutomations.
- New functions: setSeqblockSelectedBox, getSeqblockLeftFadeX1, getSeqblockLeftFadeY1, getSeqblockLeftFadeX2, getSeqblockLeftFadeY2, getSeqblockRightFadeX1, getSeqblockRightFadeY1, getSeqblockRightFadeX2, getSeqblockRightFadeY2, getSeqblockFadeIn, getSeqblockFadeOut, setSeqblockFadeIn, setSeqblockFadeOut, undoSequencerEnvelopes, getSeqblockEnvelopeValue, getSeqblockEnvelopeTime, getSeqblockEnvelopeLogtype, getNumSeqblockEnvelopeNodes, addSeqblockEnvelopeNode, deleteSeqblockEnvelopeNode, etCurrSeqblockEnvelopeNode, cancelCurrSeqblockEnvelopeNode, setCurrSeqblockEnvelope, cancelCurrSeqblockEnvelope, setSeqblockEnvelopeNode, getSeqblockEnvelopeNodeX, getSeqblockEnvelopeNodeY, getSeqblocksState, createGfxSeqblocksFromState, applyGfxSeqblocks, getSeqblockEnvelopeMaxDb.