Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

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Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by Lytz1 »

Hey there.

Is there an option to drag multiple audio files into Radium at once without creating sampler tracks,
but creating Audio Seqtracks?

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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by kjetil »

You mean if you drag X number of audio files into the sequencer, Radium will automatically create X number of audio seqtracks? No, that hasn't been implemented yet.
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by Lytz1 »

Alright. Maybe it might be easier to allow adding multiple audio files from the "Sound"-tab
when using the 'add audio file' file-requester?
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by kjetil »

I'm not implementing this now, but dragging multiple files do seem to work. It's just automatically creating new audio seqtracks that isn't working. All files you drag will be put on top of each other. Also, I'm not sure I know what you mean. What's the difference between a sampler track and an audio track?
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by Lytz1 »

kjetil wrote: 17 Aug 2020 07:33 Also, I'm not sure I know what you mean. What's the difference between a sampler track and an audio track?
Sampler Track = Sampler Instrument
Audio Track = Audio SeqTrack (which is the closest to a "real Audiotrack" in other DAWs that we have)
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by kjetil »

Okay, but what's the difference between an audio seqtrack in Radium and a "real audiotrack"?
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by Lytz1 »

kjetil wrote: 17 Aug 2020 12:37 Okay, but what's the difference between an audio seqtrack in Radium and a "real audiotrack"?
Basically none, Radiums Audio Seqtrack is equivalent to a standard DAWs AudioTrack.
But the SamplerTrack isn't. I am not sure what we're talking about now though... :lol:
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by kjetil »

It's not obvious, though, how to know if the user wants to drop an audio file to an already existing audio seqtrack, at the position it is dropped, or if the user wants to create a new audio seqtrack for the audio file that is dropped.
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by Lytz1 »

I would propose that when Audio Files get dropped onto the Sequence Editor Window
Audio Seqtracks are getting created.

(That would make sense as this is also like it is in standard DAWs.
You drag something onto the Sequencer Canvas and Audio Tracks are getting created.)

Thus when dragging samples into the Track Editor or the Modular Mixer View, Sampler Tracks are getting created.

(In most DAWs you don't have the option to immediately create sampler tracks depending where you drop
audio files, in SOME you do. For example Bitwig and since the last version also in Logic.
When you drag Audio Files onto the sidepanel (Logic) or Top Panel Header (Bitwig) Sampler Tracks get created.)
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Re: Draggin multiple audiofiles into Radium at once

Post by Lytz1 »

kjetil wrote: 18 Aug 2020 09:28 It's not obvious, though, how to know if the user wants to drop an audio file to an already existing audio seqtrack, at the position it is dropped, or if the user wants to create a new audio seqtrack for the audio file that is dropped.
This is true. Didn't think about that.
Usually when dropped on an empty area with no tracks means "add new Tracks for Audio files"
When dragged onto an existing track means "add to existing track".
Interestingly most DAWs do this in two ways:

1) DAWs like Cubase & Logic give you a popup window and ask you if you would like to add everything on one
track or you want a separate track for every individual audio file.

2) DAWs like Bitwig and Ableton use a hotkey modifier to chose if everything goes on one track or separate tracks.
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