The release also contains various improvements to the audio file support in the sequencer.
Changes 5.4.6 -> 5.4.7:
- Mouse handling: Fix various minor issues.
- Sequencer: Reset envelope node values to 0.0 dB, not 1.0 dB.
- GUI: Enable same keybindings to navigate popup menus as in the main menu.
- GUI: Fix menu highlighting when mouse hovers over a checkable entry.
- Sequencer: Start playing from mouse position when clicking in the timeline.
- Sequencer: Various improvements to the audio file support.
- Mixer strips: Add a space before "dB".
- Mixer strips: Don't scale down font size when it doesn't fit. (Make text easier to read)
- Mixer strips: Minor tweaks.
- GUI: Improve message window performance
- Sequencer: Keep envelope and fades when pasting blocks.
- Sequencer: Keep envelope and fades when moving blocks between tracks.
- Sequencer: Keep envelope and fades when moving more than one seqblock.
- Sequencer: Keep envelope and fades when swapping blocks.
- Upgrade s7.
- API: createSeqblockFromState, getSeqblockState, gui_appendValue, setSongPos, playSongFromPos