Radium 5.9.12 released

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Radium 5.9.12 released

Post by kjetil »

Biggest news this time is that seqtracks are not
automatically resized to fit the vertical height
of the sequencer anymore. Well, they are, but
only up to a certain point. Instead you have to
navigate up and down. It is also possible to
set the minimum height of individual seqtracks.

Another new thing is that the sequencer is
not automatically scrolled horizontally to make
sure the play cursor is always visible. This
feature has been made optional and turned
off by default. Another related feature is that
a play cursor is drawn in the navigator as well
(so you can always see where the current
position of the song), making the automatic
scrolling even less useful.

These things should hopefully make it more
comfortable to work with larger projects in the

Changes 5.9.10 -> 5.9.12:
  • Sequencer: Fix gfx garbage when moving first or last
    seqblock automation node.
  • Sequencer/Navigator: Paint seqblocks being recorded.
  • Sequencer/Navigator: Paint multiple seqblocks being
    moved (i.e. orange color) in navigator
  • Sequencer: Mark the "fixed position for play cursor"
    option as experimental.
  • Sequencer: Turn off automatically scroll timeline so
    that cursor is always visible when playing. The feature
    can be enabled again under Preferences.
  • Build: Handle better situation when UIC or MOC failed.
  • Sequencer: Scroll horizontally so that the cursor is
    placed 1/4 into the visible area, and not 1/2, when
    play cursor falls outside the visible area when playing.
  • Main GUI: Fix jumpy graphics when drawing the main
    window lower tab names ("Edit" / "Instrument" /
    "Sequencer") while resizing.
  • Sequencer: Paint play-cursor in navigator as well.
  • Sequencer: The height of all seqtracks can now be
    taller than the height of the sequencer:
    • Option to set height of a seqtrack. (Use the
      new "H" button or the "Set size" entry in the popup
      menu. The default seqtrack height is set to
      "2 rows".
    • Ways to scroll the sequencer vertically:
      • Use the mouse scroll wheel while pointer is
        positioned in the seqtrack headers
      • In the seqblock parts of the sequencer, hold one
        of the Windows keys (OSX: Alt key) while scrolling
        the mouse wheel.
      • Move the navigator up or down.
  • Sequencer: Include the seqtrack popup menu entries in
    the header popup menu.
  • Sequencer: Ask user for confirmation when deleting
    first seqtrack and the second seqtrack is for audio
  • Sequencer: Add "Swap with next seqtrack" entry to the
    seqtrack section of the popup menu.
  • API: swapSeqtracks, getSeqtrackMinHeightType,
    setSeqtrackMinHeightType, getSeqtrackMaxHeightType,
    setSeqtrackMaxHeightType, getSeqtracksX1,
    getSeqtracksX2, getSeqtracksY1, getSeqtracksY2,
    getTopmostVisibleSeqtrack, setTopmostVisibleSeqtrack,
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