Screenshots from Radium 5
Use right/left keys to switch to next/previous image.
- Editor + Mixer + Sequencer (April 2018)
- Sequencer fade shapes Same interface as in Ardour (April 2018).
- Hard drive recording (May 2018).
- Editor + Mixer + Sequencer (August 2017)
- Mixer (August 2017)
- Mixer (August 2017)
- Pianoroll + portamento + polyphonic track (August 2017)
- Plugin manager (August 2017)
- Instrument widget (August 2017)
Videos from Radium 4
- A tracker module from 1991. Recorded December 2016.
(Note that the audio quality of this 26 year old song is not representative of what Radium can do.) - A user-made video from June 2016 presenting some of the features.
- A video demonstrating Faust programs being developed inside Radium.
Screenshots and videos from Radium 3
- Overview:
Demo song. Alternative color scheme
- Grid/Accuracy/quantization:
- Time signature and tempo tracks:
- Editing:
- Mixer and instrument window:
- Pd:
- Paper from the Linux Audio Conference 2014.
Additional videos
Click here to view a video demonstrating Pure Data in Radium (recorded in Radium 1.9)
Click here to view another video demonstrating Pure Data in Radium (recorded in Radium 1.9)
Click here to visit my Youtube channel containing several Radium vidoes. But beware that most of these shows tracker modules which does not represent the audio quality that you can get out of Radium.
Click here to see a video from Tobias Lutzenkirchen demonstrating the chance effect and many other things in Radium.
Click here for a user video demonstrating Radium workflow.
The documentation for Radium is under development, and can be viewed here.News :
- 2024-12-27: Released 7.5.71
- 2024-03-30: Released 7.4.76
- 2024-03-17: Released 7.3.84
- 2023-12-30: Released 7.2.89
- 2023-12-28: Released 7.2.87
- 2023-07-22: Released 7.1.92
- 2023-07-17: Released 7.1.90
- 2023-04-06: Released 7.1.89
- 2023-04-01: Released 7.1.88
- 2023-01-22: Released 7.1.87
- 2022-12-29: Released 7.1.86
- 2022-12-28: Released 7.0.01
- 2022-09-26: Released 7.0.00
- 2022-04-18: Released 6.9.99
- 2022-04-15: Released 6.9.98
- 2022-01-02: Released 6.9.97
- 2021-08-17: Released 6.9.96
- 2021-08-06: Released 6.9.94
- 2021-07-29: Released 6.9.90
- 2021-07-28: Released 6.9.89
- 2021-07-24: Released 6.9.88
- 2021-07-19: Released 6.9.86
- 2021-07-01: Released 6.9.82
- 2021-06-27: Released 6.9.81
- 2021-06-25: Released 6.9.80
- 2021-05-27: Released 6.9.75
- 2021-05-25: Released 6.9.74
- 2021-05-12: Released 6.9.72
- 2021-05-06: Released 6.9.71
Donate :
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